Chaos Coordinator, aka-Kelci

Hi There, and welcome to my little bit of crazy out in the armpit of Kansas! I am currently a Senior at KState majoring in HDFS and am planning to graduate this December. After, I'm planning to apply for graduate school and receive my Master's in Social work so I can continue the work I'm currently doing-serving those with mental health issues. 

I currently live and work in Larned, KS which is about 3 hours away from Manhattan. I chose to take this course because I feel like it would help extend my knowledge in working with children and their families, and also be relatable to my current everyday life! I have 3 great kiddos, 8, 6 and 3. They keep my life constantly busy, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Any kind of parent education has always been a passion of mine, mostly going back to when I worked with the Head Start Organization. While teaching was my number one goal, I thoroughly enjoyed working with their parents just as much! 

As for a fun fact about me-when I say I'm busy, I really am. Not only do I have 3 young kids at home, I also work a full-time job at the State Psychiatric Hospital, am finishing up school full-time online, and run a photography business mostly on the weekends. I'm very excited to be nearing the end of my time with KSU and  very anxious to see where this degree can take me! 
