It's Fine..I'm Fine...Everything is Fine.

 Another week is going by and it's been tough. Work is busier then ever, the Hubs has been off work all week-he threw his back out again, and we're getting ready to take the camper to the lake for the first time this weekend, or so we hope! Yet again, like so many times before, we're faced with something completely unknown and I'm trying to figure it out. Usually when we go to the lake, we stay with Grandma and Grandpa. This will be the first time we've had our own space and we'll be responsible for all of our own things, so naturally-I'm stressed! It seems like their is always so much going on and now we have to factor in Covid into everything we do...sometimes it's just too much! There are some days I feel like an experienced mom, but then I'm reminded of all of the firsts that will continue to come our way in the years to come.

I can remember back to 9 years ago when my husband and I found out we were having our first child. What a whirlwind of emotions! I was so excited but SO NERVOUS that we would be starting out family and would be responsible for raising a human. My experience with the county health department and our Parents as Teachers program will be one I never forget-which has led me to what I want to be when I grow up! Parent Education is something I have been passionate about for years. Not only do I have my own experiences to build on and share with other first time parents, but I have done much parent/family education while working with Head Start. 

I think one of the challenges facing families today is that there are countless outside influences and life is scary. Going through pregnancy and bringing home a new baby is scary! I obsessed over reading every parenting book available and had an unhealthy amount of pregnancy apps on my phone with our oldest...while I feel they did help, they were nothing compared to the information and support I received from our home visitors we had that first year of parenthood. Specifically, my journey with breastfeeding. The incredible nurses that visited me and my new babies was crucial to our nursing success, and led me to becoming a Peer Counselor for our county breastfeeding coalition. My passion for helping other moms started with them.

Now, things are even more strange. There is so much information out there it can be overwhelming to parents. Random people may even walk up to you in the store with your tantrum-throwing toddler and offer a nasty look, or hopefully a kind smile-everyone has been there! Instead of passing judgement, I'd love the opportunity to share the realities of parenting with our parents and to let them know-crazy happens to all of us. That's just the way it is with kids!

As we head into year 10 of being parents, I'd love to say we have it all figured out. But that's a lie. Our oldest is now approaching the tween years, and I'm terrified to say the least! Maybe I should check into some parent education for myself for a first time teen parent!!! But for now, I'll put on my big girl pants and keep moving forward, even if I have to tell myself everything is fine :)
